Notification of B.E.III-Sem (All Branches) Backlog Examination December-2023. |
13-12-2023, 12:20:30 |
Notification of M.E./M. Tech. III-Semester All Branches (Regular & CEEP) (Main) Examination Dec-2023. |
13-12-2023, 12:18:09 |
Practical Time Table of B.E.V & VII-Sem (All Branches) Main Examination December-2023. |
08-12-2023, 16:57:09 |
Revaluation Notification of M.E./M.Tech. (All Branches) (Regular & PTPG) ONE TIME CHANCE Examination June-2023. |
08-12-2023, 16:56:02 |
Results of B.E. IV,VI-Sem(MAIN) & I,III,V,VII-Sem(Suppl.)(All Branches) Examination JULY/AUGUST/OCTOBER 2023. (Updated 07-12-2023,6:30 PM) |
| 08-12-2023, 15:24:49 |
Notification of B.E.V & VII-Sem (All Branches) Main Examination December-2023. |
09-11-2023, 13:44:04 |
Review Results of B.E. (ALL BRANCHES) I-Semester Examination held in the month of March/April-2023. |
30-10-2023, 17:15:11 |
Circular for B.E. I-Sem (Main) SEE 2023-2024, held in Sep-2023. |
16-10-2023, 12:27:44 |
Results of M.E./M. Tech. One Time Chance (All Branches) June-2023. |
11-10-2023, 17:39:15 |
Results of B.E.VIII-Sem (All Branches) Make-Up and B.E. One Time Chance (All Branches) June/July-2023. |
11-10-2023, 17:38:02 |
Time Table of M.E./M. Tech. V-Semester All Branches (CEEP)(Main) Examination Oct-2023. |
04-10-2023, 16:44:58 |
Results of Pre-Ph.D (One Time Chance) under faculty of Informatics, O.U. Examination held in the month of September-2023 |
29-09-2023, 16:51:03 |
Center Copy for M.E./M.Tech. IV-Sem (CEEP) Make-Up Examination Oct-2023.. |
27-09-2023, 15:26:48 |
Center Copy for B.E. I & II-Sem (All Branches) Backlog Examination Oct-2023.. |
27-09-2023, 15:26:01 |
Time Table of M.E./M. Tech. IV-Semester All Branches (CEEP)(Make-Up) Examination Oct-2023. |
25-09-2023, 16:02:50 |
Revised Center Copy for B.E. II-Sem (All Branches) Main Examination Sep-2023.. |
22-09-2023, 15:25:04 |
B.E. II-SEM (All Branches) Backlog Examination Oct-2023.. |
21-09-2023, 16:07:53 |
B.E. I-SEM (All Branches) Backlog Examination Oct-2023.. |
21-09-2023, 16:07:31 |
Practical Time table of B.E. I-SEM (Suppl.) Examination Sep-2023.. |
20-09-2023, 14:42:44 |
Notification of M.E./M. Tech. IV-Semester All Branches (CEEP)(Make-Up) Examination Sep-2023. |
14-09-2023, 16:01:26 |
Revaluation Results of M.E./M.Tech.-IV-Sem (PTPG)- May-2023.. |
14-09-2023, 12:42:46 |
Center Copy for B.E. II-Sem (CSE) Main Examination Sep-2023.. |
13-09-2023, 16:48:29 |
Notification of M.E./ M. Tech. V-Sem (CEEP) Examination Oct-2023.. |
11-09-2023, 16:38:09 |
Center Copy for B.E. II-Sem (All Branches) Main Examination Sep-2023.. |
08-09-2023, 15:23:56 |
Time Table of B.E-II-Sem (Main) All Branches Examination Sep-2023. This is applicable for Only 2022 Batch. |
01-09-2023, 16:12:31 |
Revised Practical Time Table of B.E-II-Sem (Main) Examination Aug/Sep-2023. |
26-08-2023, 05:29:48 |
Center copy for M.E./M. Tech. I-Sem All Branches (Regular & CEEP) Make-Up Examination Aug/Sep-2023.. |
25-08-2023, 14:23:37 |
Revised Practical Time Table of B.E.VII-Sem (Suppl.) Examination September-2023. |
24-08-2023, 14:30:53 |
Revised B.E. (CIVIL & MINING) II-Semester (Main) Practical Examination Aug/Sep-2023.. |
19-08-2023, 19:36:05 |
Time Table of B.E.III, V, VII-Sem (Suppl.) Practical Examination September-2023.. |
18-08-2023, 17:37:08 |