Circular for the B.E. (All Branches) II-Sem, IV-Sem, VI-SEM (Main) and I-Sem, III-Sem, V-SEM (Supply. & Backlog) Aug/Sep/Oct-2023.. |
02-02-2024, 11:10:57 |
B.E. Four Year Rules and Regulations Book 2022-2023. |
31-01-2024, 15:15:31 |
Notice to B.E. (All Branches) I-Sem and II-Sem students Academic Year 2022-2023. |
31-01-2024, 15:14:10 |
Revised Results of B.E. I-Sem (Main) March/April-2023 & II-Sem (MAIN) (All Branches) (Relative Grading System) Examination OCTOBER-2023. |
| 31-01-2024, 15:10:54 |
Timetable of B.E. (VI-Semester) Supply. Examination February 2024. |
30-01-2024, 18:22:53 |
Timetable of B.E. (IV-Semester) Supply. Examination February 2024. |
29-01-2024, 16:52:15 |
Timetable of B.E. (III-Semester) Main Examination February 2024. |
29-01-2024, 16:51:20 |
Timetable of B.E. (III-Semester) Backlog Examination February 2024. |
29-01-2024, 16:51:06 |
Revised B.E. III-Semester (Main) Practical Exam Timetable February 2024. |
29-01-2024, 16:48:29 |
Revised B.E. (BME) III-Semester (Main) Practical Exam Timetable February 2024. |
25-01-2024, 16:54:15 |
Timetable of B.E. (III-Semester) Backlog Practical Examination February 2024. |
25-01-2024, 11:58:47 |
Center Copy for B.E.I-Sem (All Branches) Main Examination Jan/Feb-2024. |
20-01-2024, 17:07:31 |
Notification of MCA. I-Semester (Regular) Examination Feb-2024. |
17-01-2024, 12:29:43 |
Practical TimeTable for B.E.III-Sem (All Branches) Main Examination Jan/Feb-2024. |
12-01-2024, 17:54:39 |
Time Table of B.E.I-Sem (All Branches) Main Examination Jan/Feb-2024. |
12-01-2024, 11:43:09 |
Notification of M.E./M. Tech. I-Semester All Branches (Regular & CEEP) (Main) Examination Feb-2024. |
05-01-2024, 16:35:45 |
Notification of B.E.II,IV,VI-Sem (All Branches) Supply. Examination Jan/Feb-2024. |
03-01-2024, 12:14:47 |
Notification of B.E.III-Sem (All Branches) Main Examination Jan/Feb-2024. |
02-01-2024, 16:41:56 |
Time Table of M.E./M. Tech. III-Semester All Branches (Regular & CEEP) (Main) Examination Jan-2024. |
29-12-2023, 14:26:37 |
B.E.I-SEM (All Branches) Main & Supplementary Examination January-2024. |
28-12-2023, 11:17:20 |
Practical Time Table for B.E.I-Sem (All Branches) Main Examination January-2024. |
27-12-2023, 11:01:57 |
Center copy for B.E. V-Sem and VII-Sem (All Branches) Dec-2023. |
22-12-2023, 12:12:01 |
Circular for Review of M.E. II,V-SEM (MAIN) I,IV-SEM MAKE-UP (All Branches) Dec-2023. |
19-12-2023, 12:29:55 |
Revised Time Table of B.E. V-Sem (All Branches) Dec-2023/Jan-2024.. |
19-12-2023, 11:33:58 |
Results of M.E./M.Tech. II-Sem,V-Sem (Main) & I-Sem,IV-Sem (makeup) August/September/October-2023. Read more.. |
| 18-12-2023, 14:00:59 |
Results of B.E. II-Sem(MAIN) & II-Sem(Suppl.)(All Branches) Examination OCTOBER 2023. Read more.. |
| 16-12-2023, 16:54:17 |
Time Table of B.E. VII-Sem (All Branches) Dec-2023. |
14-12-2023, 17:08:42 |
Revised Practical Time Table of B.E.V-Sem (EEE) Main Examination December-2023. |
14-12-2023, 16:30:47 |
Time Table of B.E. V-Sem and VII-Sem (All Branches) Dec-2023. |
13-12-2023, 18:55:51 |
Circular for Review of B.E. (All Branches) Dec-2023. |
13-12-2023, 18:54:40 |